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Signatory to UN Global Compact

UTIKAD became a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact on February 13, 2015 as part of its sustainability efforts for the future of the logistics industry.

As the non-profit organizations participating in the Global Compact global network have to publish a responsibility notification report once every 2 years, UTIKAD for the first time published a Communication on Engagement in 2017.

In 2019, a second Communication on Engagement was published.

During the 2-year period in which Communications on Engagement were published, the responsibilities assumed under the Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption topics were announced to the public in line with the 10 principles of the Global Compact.

UTIKAD Representatives contribute to the efforts as members of the Sustainable Supply Chain Management Working Group of Global Compact Turkey.

For United Nations Global Compact UTIKAD Communication on Engagement 2017 - 2019, please click.

For United Nations Global Compact UTIKAD Communication on Engagement 2015 - 2017, please click.